Work With Me

Welcome to a Journey of Transformation and Alignment

If you feel the deep-down yearning in your soul to:

● Deepen your connection to your soul, earth, and cosmic energies
● Stop hiding who you truly are
● Elevate your own growth and actively participate in the transformative shift unfolding across the planet and universe right now…

You are not alone.

During this transformative time, the universe, your guides, angels, and your soul are calling you to embrace your true self.

But, navigating life’s lessons, beliefs, and energy shifts can be daunting, leaving you wondering why progress eludes you. At the heart of my mission is the belief that aligning personal, earthly,
sky, and cosmic energies is our birthright, leading to wholeness, flow, and purpose. Through mastering these energies, you unlock profound healing, clarity, and sustainable transformation in your life.

My Approach

Holistic Transformation

True transformation involves multiple layers that influence our sense of safety and well-being. This holistic perspective guides my work with clients, where I meet them exactly where they are, free from judgment and full of compassion.

Compassionate Guidance

With a foundation of compassion and understanding, you are provided guidance and support as you navigate the complexities of personal, earthly, and cosmic energies to unlock your true potential.

Creating Lasting Change

By addressing all aspects that influence your growth and transformation, you are empowered to create sustainable change and operate from a place of alignment and authenticity

Are you ready to be who you know you are and answer the call of your soul?

I invite you to check out my offerings…

Journey for Guidance

Embark on a transformative 30-minute spiritual journey and allow yourself to be guided to deeper insights, clarity, and inner peace. Each journey is unique and tailored to you. Connect with your inner wisdom and intuition. Open yourself to new perspectives and possibilities for growth.


Radiant Soul Harmonizing Session:

Experience an immersive 90-minute 1-1, deep dive into unearthing your hidden potential and clearing obstacles that have long hindered your progress. 

The session unfolds organically, guided by your soul and your spiritual team, and may include: Energetic & Quantum healing, clearing, and balancing, DNA Activation, Future Self Alignment, Spirit Guide Communication.

This session is ideal for those seeking a quantum leap in their personal growth, or longing to break free from persistent patterns.  


Empowered Soul Alignment Program:

This transformative journey will guide you towards trust, clarity, and a deeper understanding of your purpose and desires, allowing you to align your energies and activate your inner potential. As we work to foster deep energetic harmony and connect you with your soul you will experience relief and peace in your body, mind, and spirit. Through this process of self-discovery and spiritual alignment, you’ll unlock your divine potential, tap into your innate power and reclaim your inner peace, enabling you to face life’s trials with renewed strength and wisdom. 

Includes 8 Radiant Soul Harmonizing Sessions, coaching, emergency reach outs, and so much more!

Schedule a call today to learn more.

In-Person & Virtual Retreats, Workshops & Speakers Events

Experience transformative events that guide you towards clarity, alignment, and sustainable transformation.
Learn more. 


Cindy Ashton

Award-winning Television Host, Singer, Actor, Entertainer and Founder of Brave Leaders Rising.


“I had a session with Shari and it was amazing. She did an energy healing that was so helpful. When we were finished I felt like a new person. I felt like my chakras were aligned and the stuck spots were unstuck. Truly an awesome experience”

Michelle C

“Shari Lillico is amazing. Love our sessions & the transformation is amazing. So much shifting being done. I love the grounding technic too. Mine way was actually blocking the good stuff coming in.”

"Your work is to bring unity and harmony to open all those doors which have been closed for a long time. Have patience and tolerance." 

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

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