
Welcome to a Journey of Transformation and Alignment

I strongly believe that, we are ONE and therefore we can uplevel existence by living in alignment with our Soul and therefore our purpose. It is my purpose to help humanity to step into their own light and live theirs. So, if you have a group you’d like to bring together, or if you’d like to invite me to speak to your group, virtually or in person, please contact me by email. I would love to hear from you.

Book me to speak, co-facilitate in-person or online events, or be a guest on your podcast.

Signature Topics

● Intuitive Healing
● Energetic Alignment to Your Soul Self
● Being Your Authentic Self
● Overcoming Blocks and Challenges

Retreats & Workshops

Intuitive multi-modality Healer, Mentor and Empowerer of your Truest-Self

An immersive experience with Shari is designed to declutter, awaken, inspire, activate, and empower all who attend to live their purpose and express their true soul selves.
Shari customizes every experience to work with the participants, and event purpose.

Signature Talk

The Energetic Path to Fulfillment: Aligning with Your Higher Self

Discover the importance of energetic alignment in achieving fulfillment. Learn techniques for
balancing and harmonizing your energy fields, creating a daily practice that supports your
spiritual well-being. Unlock the secrets of energetic alignment and unleash your highest
● Understand the importance of energetic alignment in achieving fulfillment.
● Techniques for balancing and harmonizing your energy fields.
● How to create a daily practice that supports your spiritual well-being.
Other topics are available. Please contact to discuss.

Shari Lillico

Author, Multi-Modality Intuitive Healer &Coach, Mentor, Speaker

She is a seasoned professional with a heartfelt mission: to guide lightworkers and spiritually aware women on their transformative journeys. Through her keynotes and coaching sessions, Shari empowers individuals to embrace their authentic selves, find their purpose, and navigate their spiritual paths with confidence and clarity.


Amy S

"Shari Lillico is an amazing gifted human being! Thank you for your time, energy and service. You are so kind, patient and wonderful.”


“I was totally in the dark in what direction to move next in an important area of my life. I only knew that the path I was on was not the right one and I was really stuck... During the next days I noticed that new perspectives started sneaking in and two weeks later a new avenue that feels appealing and doable started to emerge. Thank you Shari!”


“Grateful that you have crossed my path.”

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